Tuesday, July 16, 2013

#26 Packaging Experiment: CDROM same but different.

My brother, Brad Teare, and I identified 12 main Photoshop action effects to build.

This sparked the idea of discovering if I could design 12 CDROM packages using short-cuts. Another weird experiment for web images! These were never used commercially. Just design thrill-seeking again.

Being a nocturnal beast, my goal was designing them all in one night. Here's the process:

1. I chose a "robust" color theme. I cheated by referring to page 87 of "PANTONE Guide to Communicating with Color". 24 three color combinations were available. Dominant, subordinate, and accent colors. I chose 12 combinations I liked.


2. I went to http://www.clipart.com and downloaded 12 vertical woodcuts. Those were converted to mezzotints with an Andromeda Photoshop filter. Then output as bitmaps. That made all of the white pieces clear.

3. A CDROM "box" photo was found on a manufacturers site for reference.

4. Square labels were built to scale in Photoshop (12 versions) as shown in the animated GIF at the top of this post. Two fonts were used. Franklin Gothic family and Pablo, based on the writing of the Spanish painter and sculptor, Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). The mezzotints were dropped on top of colored rectangle backgrounds, sized, and also colorized.

5. After the square labels were designed and saved as separate JPEG files, they were copy and pasted onto the "box master" and the new layer was distorted to fit the perspective. These were then flattened and saved "for web".

The end result was the packages had a "family" feel even though the colors and text were different.

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